Wednesday, November 11, 2009

bowling ball belly

My belly is so big. I am about to go into labor. Wait. The sign of labor hasn't come yet. I have to wait until my belly stiffens like a really hard bowling ball.

Now I feel my belly rock-hard. It feels heavy. It really feels like my belly is a bowling bowl and it is dropping its position further down every second. It's really heavy and tight. I think I am really close to having this baby...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Good food, Alaska and a Family

Dream 1

Brittany and I were walking around a cute city by the coast. Brittany was showing me all the good places to eat seafood. We would go into one restaurant and eat a small meal, and then off to another restaurant. I was so happy that she could introduce me to all those wonderful places.

Side note to this dream: this morning, she actually shared with me her poppy seed lemon cake with cream cheese pineapple frosting. I wonder if the dream was indicating a good combination of Brittany and food for the coming day....

Dream 2

Mike told me that he was debating whether we should go to Norway or Alaska for his Master's degree. He told me that if he went to one of those places, he would get a scholarship.

------blank in my memory ------

We were on a big ship going to Alaska. Somehow, we choose Alaska. The ship docked to the Alaskan coast and we are on our own. We walked on the white icy ground and really didn't have a lot of things with us: a small backpack was all we had. The backpack was very colorful with blue, green, red and yellow. Inside of the pack, we found a very few things: schedule for the university of Alaska(?) sports games, a couple of brochures and a black folding umbrella. That was it. We took the umbrella out of the pack and opened it. It had a grizzly bear face print around the edge and was sort of cute. But we felt that it would somehow attract the bears in Alaska and it would not be very wise for us to use it. So we put it back in the backpack again.

Dream 3

Mike and I had a cute family. We had a girl about 4 years old a little boy about 2 years old. The girl was very talkative and kind of bossy. It was pretty obvious that she was the older sister. The boy was kind of in his own world. He looked a lot like Mike but had really thick dark hair that kind of looked like a helmet. He was playing with his toy and looked pretty content. A neighbor kid brought us a board game, telling us that he came to return it. It had a Hulk-looking monster in the middle of the board. This all happened in a parking lot, by the way. There was the familiar infiniti G20, looking very old, and a black SUV.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I was walking in the woods alone one morning. I passed by a little nest box on a tree behind me. All of sudden, I heard a noise that almost reminded me of someone’s voice. I reached my hand to the nest box and peeked inside out of curiosity. There I saw a person, a fairy-sized little person, inside of the box. I scooped her out of the box to see if I was really seeing what I was seeing. The little girl looked dirty and sleepy. As I was looking at her, I felt bad to leave her alone and put her in my purse to take home with me. She didn’t really complain or anything and fell right back to sleep. The first thing I did when I came home was to clean her up. I gave her a bath and tidied up her hair. At that point, I still didn’t know what to do with her. While I was deep in thought, she somehow found my little scissors that I use to trim my eyebrows and started giving herself a haircut. I tried to stop her from doing it, but it was too late. She said something and was all done with her haircut. I tried to ask her questions like “who are you?” or “where are you from?”, but she didn’t answer any of my questions. She just said to me that she was glad that I rescued her out of the nest box and mumbled something again. She never spoke clearly but looked pretty content with me, which surprised me a little. Now, I had to tell someone about this. But, who could I trust? Maybe, Mike? I put her in my purse again and went to look for Mike.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Unwanted Engagement

There were a lot of people going in and out of my house. Everyone was there to congratulate me and my girl friend's engagement. I did not recognize the girl whom I was engaged to, but she seemed to be nice. She was worried that my heart was not in this engagement and kept asking me if I really wanted to be married to her. She would say "I am four years older than you. Are you sure you want this?" In my head, I said "Mike is four years older than me." Then, I said to her that her age did not matter. People kept coming to us with lots of gifts. Apparently, this engagement was a huge deal. I did not recognize anyone who was supposed to be my friend, but they seemed very excited about my engagement. I would say "thank you" to them, but really, did not want to be there. I kept asking myself, "who is the girl that I am up supposed to be married to?"
Next day, I left everyone. I came to a country side with a large field. The field was surrounded by the morning fogs and it was quiet. I left a message for Mike as I was coming there, and he was the only one who knew about it. It was our secret. He knew that I didn't want to be married to the girl, and I was hoping that he would come and take me away. I stood in the field alone, waiting for my true love...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mike and Wind

Mike and I were in the middle of a war zone and the time period we were in was centuries ago from now. Mike was outside, watching for the enemies to cross the boarder that divided us and them. While there was an extreme tension outside, I was cooking in the old, small kitchen. All of sudden, Mike ran inside in a hurry. He told me that the enemies have crossed the boarder. Just when we were about to leave the kitchen, a few of the men from the enemies caught us. They examined us, especially me. We kept silent, holding each other really tight. A man who looked senior to the others said to me that they could use me. I looked at Mike for some kind of comfort, but he just nodded. Mike decided that it was better for me to live than to die with him here. As my hand was being pulled by the man, Mike whispered in my ear that he would come and find me. I was taken hostage by the enemies without Mike. As soon as the man and I stepped outside, a strong wind started blowing across the battle field. Almost at the same time the wind blew, Mike dashed out of the house and disappear with the wind towards the boarder. In that instant, I knew that the wind was with him to save us.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Raw Meat in Argentina

My coworkers, JB, JM and I were to go on a work trip to Argentina. Of course, our work does not have money to pay our airfares, and we were told to drive there. We were a little frustrated but seemed to accept the reality fairly well.

We arrived in Argentina. I did not remember anything about the whole car ride. When we got there, we realized that we had to find a place to stay. We found one hotel and talked to a guy at the front desk. He told us that it would cost over $850 a night there. Even though it was a ridiculously expensive, we decided to stay there.

Now it was dinner time. I was starving. I didn't remember anything I ate for the past however many days we spent on the road. We got to a restaurant and JB and JM ordered food quickly. I could not decide what to eat. While I was thinking about what to eat, their food came to our table and surprised me. It was a big chunk of raw chicken and beef piled on a plate. It didn't look like there was any spice on it. Just raw meat. JB cut up the meat with his fork and knife and carried it into his mouth like it was a normal thing to do. I could not believe it. I was disgusted. I felt sick to my stomach. He noticed that I was reacting funny and simply told me that it tasted perfectly fine and it was the Argentine way. I could not order my food after then and kept staring at the raw meat on the table.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Birthday Cake

Part 1.

I was in Japan with my family. It had been so long since last time I was there. Now the most of the trains were replaced by monorails, and they were intertwined with the main highways. It was fascinating to see the monorails weaving through the highways filled with cars. The monorails looked like a roller coaster because the rails went over and under the roads. As I observed this new system, I waited for my train to come. When the train came, I realized that my family had left me and was alone. Did I neither have a cell phone nor know their phone number. I got on a southbound train, not knowing where to go. Knowing the language was the only thing I felt grateful for at the moment. Maybe after an hour or two of the monorail ride, I stepped out of the train. I was in Nagoya. There were so many people on the platform and I did not recognize anyone. Then, I heard a familiar voice calling my name. It was my dad. He asked me what I was doing there. I simply said that I was left alone and did not know where we were going. He laughed and said to follow him.

Part 2.

I was trying to make a birthday cake. It was going to be chocolate and to have three layers. I put the batter in the preheated oven and waited. I opened the oven to check on the cake. Smoke came out and I saw the cake sitting in the water in the cake pan. Somehow a ton of water came out of the cake, and it almost looked like the cake was floating in the boiling water. I threw away the cake in the garbage can, very angry. I tried it again, double checking all the ingredients. Everything was right. Again, I put the cake in the oven and waited. I was hoping that the cake would come out right this time. It was time to check on the cake again. The cake was sitting in the water just like before. I couldn't understand it. How could water come out of the cake so much? Frustrated, I made the batter for the third time. This time, I used a round cake pan, instead of a square one. I put it in the oven and waited. This time I came to check on the oven a little bit earlier than before to see what was happening with my cake. Now the cake was not only sitting in the water, but also was cut in half. I looked around in the kitchen and saw my dad sitting at the dining table. I asked him if he knew anything about the cake cut in half. He said that the cake didn't look so good and decided that I would not mind if he tasted it. He told me that cake taste just fine and kept on with his business.